Flop In Poker Texas Holdem

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Flop Poker Strategy Introduction

It’s where Texas Hold’em starts to come alive isn’t it? Pre-flop hand selection is all well and good but what you make when the flop comes is when action develops. It’s where you can start to get a feel for your opponent’s likely ranges, deciding whether you want to continue and assessing the texture to determine whether a bluff might work. This article will look at the key factors of playing the flop that will help shape your decision making when playing flop poker in Texas Hold’em.

Beginner Texas Hold’em Question


What is a flop in poker?

The flop is the first 3 community cards that are dealt face up. Players use them with their hole cards to make a 5 card poker hand. Check out our poker cheat sheet for more information.

Flop in poker texas holdem


There are so many possible flop textures to list but we can condense this to 3 types; dry, wet and mixed flops. Dry flops are very disconnected with no potentials for straights or flushes. A wet board is draw heavy or already presents potential for straight and/or flush. Finally, a mixed board is somewhere in the middle, with possible draws but not both. The texture of the flop should be a heavy consideration when choosing how much money to invest in your hand. It’s complex isn’t it? Texas Hold’em is not a simple game to play, if you want simplicity, try 3 card poker instead.

Pocket aces (Ac-Ad) look great but are very vulnerable on a board like 7h 8h 9h. Contrast this to a board of Kc 2s 2d and you can start to appreciate the importance of relative hand strength.

How good is your hand on the flop?

The concept of protection touches on the fundamental mathematics of Texas Hold'em, which you will learn about in the articles after you've passed the PokerStrategy.com poker quiz and received your free starting capital. These advanced articles will teach you everything you need to know to master No-Limit Texas Hold’em.

  1. So in total there are 19,600 different possible flops in Texas Hold'em. Probability of specific flops. To work out the probability of specific flops with the cards in any order we simply multiply the.
  2. The stages consist of a series of three cards ('the flop'), later an additional single card ('the turn' or 'fourth street'), and a final card ('the river' or 'fifth street'). Each player seeks the best five card poker.

A basic question but one that must be asked. How good is your hand when you’ve got to the flop? Do you have a top pair? Only have 2 overcards? Are you on a flush draw? Your hand value can be converted to represent the following groups.

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Flop Poker Tips

What Is The Flop In Texas Holdem

If you are new to poker and want some tips on flop poker. The list below is a basic overview of what to do when you get to the flop.

  • Miss the flop – get out the pot
  • Top pair is good but remember your kicker. The second card may be beat by your opponent
  • If top pair is a low card, you can still be beat by overpairs
  • Flush or straight draws are at best 36% chance to hit by the river. If your opponent is trying to force a big pot or get you all in, you should fold
  • If you raised pre-flop and are heads up – bet most flops. Check out our article on continuation betting for more detailed tips

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What Does It Mean To Flop In Poker

Small hand, small pot. Big hand, big pot. Remember this and you won’t go far wrong at low stakes.