Poker Tie Hands

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The is the best possible hand you can get in standard five-card Poker is called a royal. In the event of a tie: The player holding the highest ranked card wins. If necessary, the second-highest, third-highest, fourth-highest, and fifth-highest cards can be used to break the tie. If all five cards are the same ranks, the pot is split. The suit itself is never used to break a tie in poker. A-A-A-K-K beats K-K-K-A-A. – A Kicker is not used to determine a winner for and identical Full House in Texas Hold’em Poker, therefore the pot is split. POSSIBLE TIE BREAKERS: 2 Kickers. RULES: – It’s not possible for two or more players to have the same Flush in Texas Hold’em Poker.

With few exceptions, all poker games place hands on the same
scale from high- to low-value. Poker hands are ranked depending
on their likelihood. The least-likely hands are the
highest-ranked; the most common hands are the lowest-ranked.
Identical poker hands are ranked by which hands holds cards of
the highest value.

Poker Hand Rank

Here is the standard hand rank, from highest to lowest:

A royal flush is a hand where all the cards are of the same suit and the 5 highest cards in consecutive order (10, J, Q, K, A). This hand is the best hand that you can get in the game of Texas Hold’em.

A straight flush is a hand where all the cards are of the same suit and are in consecutive order. For example, a 23456, all of hearts, is a straight flush. In the event of a tie, the straight flush with the highest card wins.

A 4 of a kind is a hand where 4 of the 5 cards are of the same ranking. An example of a hand with a 4 of a kind might have KKKK2. That would be the 2 in every suit–clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. In the event of a tie, the 4 of a kind with the highest hand ranking wins.

A full house is a hand that consists of 3 cards of one rank and 2 cards of another rank. An example of a full house might look like this: KKKQQ. In the event of a tie, the hand with the higher cards in the 3 cards is the winner.

A flush is a hand that consists of 5 cards of the same suit—clubs, diamonds, hearts, or spades. In the event of a tie, the flush with the highest card is the winner.

A straight is a hand where all 5 cards of consecutive ranks. 23456 is an example of a straight. In the event of a tie, the straight with the highest card is the winner.

A 3 of a kind is a hand where 3 of the cards are of the same rank, but the other 2 cards are of a different rank. In the event of a tie, the hand with the higher ranked cards wins. An example of a 3 of a kind would be 666104.

2 pairs is a hand where you have 2 cards of one rank and 2 cards of another rank along with a final card of another rank. An example of 2 pairs might look like this: AAKK7.In the event of a tie, the hand with the highest pair wins.

1 pair is a hand where you 2 cards of one rank and 3 cards with different ranks. An example of a pair might look like this: JJ278. In the event of a tie, the higher ranked pair wins.

High card means a hand where none of the other hand rankings apply. If no one still in the hand can make a pair or better, the player with the highest card in his hand wins the pot.

Playing a live game of poker requires that you know this
hierarchy. For new players, this may seem a little daunting.
After all, here you have nine pieces of complex information to
remember in precise order.

A Word About Mnemonic Devices

I learned the order of poker hands using a mnemonic. I think
anyone can use this simple method to learn the hierarchy in a
matter of minutes. Mnemonics are popular memory devices used by
students, teachers, and people of all stripes for hundreds of
years in order to remember complex information.

You probably used a mnemonic device to remember the order of
the planets in our solar system. I remember learning the
sentence: “My very excellent mother just served us nine pizzas.”
The first letter of each of the words in that sentence will help
you remember that the planets go in this order – Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. I’ll
probably never forget that fact, thanks to the mnemonic device I
was taught.

The trouble is, it’s hard to convert hand rankings into
words. Besides that, I don’t think you learn much about poker by
simply memorizing the order of hands. You should use the
opportunity of needing to learn proper hand hierarchy to improve
your understanding of poker strategy.

The tips below will help you understand the proper order of
poker hands better and introduce you to some basic poker
concepts to help you improve your overall game.

Low-Value Poker Hands

To remember the order of the four lowest-value hands, just
remember the number series “0, 1, 2, 3.”

  • 0 means “high card.” Having nothing in your hand means
    the value of your hand depends on the value of your highest
    card. Remember – in poker, aces rank high, while 2’s rank
  • 1 means “one pair.” Any hand that contains just a single
    pair of cards and nothing else valuable is a 1.
  • 2 means “two pair.” This is a hand that contains two
    pairs of cards.
  • 3 means “three-of-a-kind.” It’s the most valuable of the
    low-value hands.

High-Value Poker Hands


For the purpose of this post, I’m calling every hand above a
three-of-a-kind a “high-value hand,” but lots of poker
strategists would consider a straight to be a low-value hand.
This is really a difference in philosophy and a language issue
more than anything else.

For that reason, and for simplicity’s sake, I like to think
of straight as a “/” symbol in my mnemonic. That means our
current mnemonic string goes: “0, 1, 2, 3, /.”

It’s easier to memorize the order of the other high-ranking
hands if you count the number of letters in the hand’s name.
It’s made all the easier to remember by the fact that the number
of letters increases as you move up the scale.

Here’s how I break it down:

  • 5 – The word flush contains five letters.
  • 9 – The words full house contain nine letters.
  • 11 – The words four of a kind contain eleven letters.
  • 13 – The words straight flush contain thirteen letters.
  • 18 – The words royal straight flush contain eighteen

Putting them all together, our mnemonic is: “0 – 1 – 2 – 3 /
5 – 9 – 11 – 13 – 18.”

Other Ways to Memorize Hand Hierarchy

I’m not going to pretend that the method I used to learn hand
hierarchy is the only one that will work. The three ideas below
are the most popular tactics on the Web besides the use of
mnemonics, based on my research. You can use any of the four
methods described on this post to keep track of what hand beats
what other hand. That way, you’ll be able to plan your tactics
ahead of time and make smart bidding decisions.

Rote Memorization

Some people learn best by repeated drilling of the material
to be memorized. I’ve heard of actors reading their scripts over
and over, playing tapes of the script in their sleep, and
learning their lines by rote. I can’t think of any reason why
you shouldn’t try this method.

Hand Evaluation Diagrams

Various poker trainer programs and strategy gurus have put
together diagrams to help you analyze your hand. You can use
these in poker rooms, and obviously you can use them online, so
long as you don’t care about the other guys at the table making
fun of you. They’re available for free with a simple Google

Frequent Exposure

The more rounds of poker you play, the more you’ll become
familiar with all the rules, including the rules of hand
ranking. You may lose a bunch on the way there, because of your
lack of familiarity with hand ranks, but, by God, you’ll get it

What happens when you tie a hand in poker


Remember that some poker variations assign different values
to cards and hands. Some games are totally reversed, rewarding
the lowest-value hand instead of the highest-value one. Other
games may consider an Ace to be low, or use Jokers, which throws
off the hierarchy and strategy a bit.

I hope that this page helped you learn about the value of the
cards you’re dealt. I believe the best way to practice your
newfound understanding of hand hierarchy is to get out there and
play a bunch of poker. If you’re still new to the game and not
yet comfortable with your understanding of hand rankings, you
can always play in free-to-play apps or use play-money at your
favorite online poker room.

If you are interested to get the best rakeback deals and private promotions on poker sites head on to PokerPro website (PS: there are plenty of options to choose from also for the USA players).

Poker newcomers might get confused by some out of the ordinary things in poker. Or it can be as simple as basic poker rules and how hand ranking is determined.

As a seasoned poker pro player, I can, on the other hand, instantly see who won the hand, not just in Holdem, but also in other poker variants. yes in Omaha also.
Don’t worry; this comes with experience, and we all need to start somewhere. Just move one step at a time, and soon you will know the essential poker rules on the fly.

In this article, I will explain to you in detail what happens if two hands tie in poker and the usage of kickers.

So, what happens if two hands tie in poker? If two or more players have the samehand, then the pot will get split equally between them after the rake isdeducted. Players will have the same hand if their five-card combination is ofthe same values. That is where the confusion might come from.

All five cards must be of the same rank. Only then will the players tie, and pot will get split. If they have the same card rank, but not all other cards are of equal value, then the person with a higher side card will win. In poker jargon, this is also called having a better kicker. A most common scenario of this is when both players have a pair.

An excellent example of this is as follows. You have AK, and an opponent has AQ on the AT345 board. In this case, you win, even though you both have a pair of aces. Your 5 card combination is higher than the opponent’s. You have AAKT5, and your opponent has AAQT5. That is why your pair of aces with a king kicker beats the opponent’s pair of aces with a queen kicker.

Elimination in a tournament when you tie

There is a scenario in a tournament. It is 1 player left to bust before players are in the prize pool, which in poker jargon is known as the bubble. It is 11 players left, with 10 people getting paid.
2 short stacks, both have the same 5 card combination hand at showdown. Bigger stack has the better hand and knocks both of them out.
Then the first person that went allin, and lost, would finish as the bubble on 11th spot. The person who went all-in after him would be knocked out and finish the tournament on the 10th spot and get paid.

What is a kicker in poker

Kicker, or as some call it, a side card, is a card in poker that doesn’t determine the rank of the card. It is still used in getting the best 5 card combination and is used to determine the winner of the hand. If players have the same rank and same kickers, then the pot would be split.

For example: on the board is AK897. One player holds AT, and other player holds A5. So both players have a pair of aces, but they have different kickers.

Player one has AAKT9 (best 5 card combination he can have), and player two has the best combination of AAK98. Player one kickers are K, T, and 9; player 2 kickers are K, 9, and 8. Therefore the player one would win because he has better kickers – his 5 card combination is better.

Poker Tie Hands Meaning

When does a kicker count?

Firstly, if you are confused about kickers and when they count and when they don’t, then remember the following. For every single hand in poker, a combination of the best rank of 5 cards count. You need to use 5 cards all the time. So at all times, 5 cards count towards your card value.

You can either use 2, one or none of the cards you were dealt. or community cards you can either use all 5, 4 or only 3. But total number of cards you need to use is five.

If you have a pair, then you used 2 cards already, now you need to use 3 more cards to get your 5 ard ranking. Look at the example above with AK and AQ; kickers count there because each player has a pair plus they need to use 3 best possible cards more.

In the same way, do 2 pairs have a kicker, so does the 4 of a kind hand. Even your sets have two kickers. Straights, full houses, flushes, and royal flush have no kickers. For them, you already used 5 card hand combination. Note that the person with higher straight or a flush or bigger full house will still win, as he has a better hand ranking than the lower counterpart.

If you want to read more about kickers, then here is a link to Wikipedia.

When poker pot is split

When a poker pot is split, it gets divided equally to the number of players that participated in the showdown. If only 2 players would be involved in the hand from the beginning, then due to rake, each of them would get slightly less than they invested in the pot.

That is why you must start playing on a poker room that has the best rakeback deals. If you wonder what rakeback is and which poker sites have the best deals, then read this detailed article I wrote about rakeback.

Nuts on the board

When I am playing online, I sometimes see people betting huge amounts where the board itself is nuts.

Examples of nuts on board:

  • The royal flush on board
  • Nut straight on board
  • 4 of a kind and an ace on board

In these scenarios, it makes no sense to bet huge. In fact it makes sense to not bet at all if a nuts is present on the board. Only if a person doesn’t pay attention to the board, they might fold.

Maybe it had happened to me once that someone would fold their hand when the nuts were present on board. In 5 million hands. It makes no sense to bet because you only cost yourself money by making the pot bigger.

More significant is the pot, the bigger will be the rake. The pot will still get split up equally among all the players that went to showdown because everyone will have the same hand. Just your share now will be slightly smaller because the poker room will take more rake for themselves. And the percentage of the pot is equally distributed after reducing it for the rake amount.

Poker Tie Hands Svg

It can happen that pot cannot get divided exactly equally among players due to rounding. Then the first player to the left of the button that was involved in showdown might get one small blind more than others. Or in online cash games, one player might get one cent more than others as you cannot divide 1 cent.

Related Questions:

If two players have a straight, who wins? If two players had a straight at showdown, the one with a higher straight combination would win. For example, the first player has KQ and a K high straight of J9T24 board, and the second player has Q8 and therefore only Q high straight. So the first player would win because his straight combination is higher. If both players would have the same straight combination, then the pot would get split equally between them.

Can there be a tie in poker? Of course, there can be a tie in poker. We need to distinguish between the different meanings of a tie in poker.

  • One is having the same 5 hand card combinations in cash games.
  • Another one could happen when players decide to split the remaining prize pool in the tournament.
  • Technically a tie could also be in a satellite, where players that qualify would receive the same reward, which is a ticket to the tournament. None of the players would receive more.
  • I remember one scene in a live poker tournament. Two players were eliminated from a tournament at the same time on the bubble. It happened on two different tables. So the floorperson decided it is a tie between them, and each of them would receive half of the prize pool that was for one player.

What Happens When You Tie A Hand In Poker

What happens if two players have the same high card? If two players have the same high card, then the one that holds the second-highest card wins. In poker, the person who has the strongest 5 hand card combination wins. So two players could have 4 cards the same, but 5th wouldn’t be. Then the person who has a higher 5th card would win.