Too Many Hands In The Pot

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It has become a societal norm to overshare and overindulge. Gone are the days where our first thought is to experience a moment for what it is, rather than capturing it to post on social media. It is common to reach for our phones before we reach for a hand. In the infamous words of Marvin Gaye, “What’s Going On?”
When we think about the life and ministry of Jesus, we see that His message drew many, yet, we learn in Matthew 17:1-13 that He revealed Himself in all of His glory to a close and select three: Peter, James, and John. There is a reason. Jesus trusted them and knew that their faith was large enough to receive the Truth of who He was, without question or doubt. In the same way, if God has placed something big in our hearts to do, that means He trusts us enough to carry the weight of it. It also requires us to ponder it in our hearts and share the vision only with those who can believe in faith with us. In order to be a good steward over what the Lord has entrusted to us, we must posture our hearts and faith to move as His Spirit leads, and with hopeful expectation, trust the Lord for the manifestation of that dream.

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Furthermore, most often teams utilizing agile methodology experience the “too many hands in the pot” syndrome, in which the business stakeholders want to conduct user acceptance testing after each sprint and provide feedback. There are more cons than pros to this approach.

We are called to make kingdom impact; and in the Kingdom, there is no room for doubt. Faith and fear cannot coexist. One of my favorite quotes by Josie Bissett says, “Dreams come a size too big, so that we may grow into them.” God created us intentionally to fulfill a specific purpose. He equipped us for it. That is all the assurance we need to pursue all that He has placed inside each one of us to do and to grow into the people that He has created us to be.
Don’t allow too many hands in the pot of your life. Trust the Master, and posture yourself to receive the blessings that He has for you.

Too Many Hands In The Pot Saying

Too many hands in the pot means

Too Many Hands In The Pot At Work